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Using the Maven Injection Plugin

  1. Add the plugin to your Maven build
  2. Configure injections

    For usage details see the inject goal description.

    Hint: Inject into accessor methods instead of class attributes or constants to avoid surprises (compiler inlining etc.) Hint: A typical singleton could use a Java Enum, see BuildInfo example.

  3. Hook plugin into lifecycle after compilation

    The plugin runs after compilation in the *process-classes* phase.

  4. Add build info plugin for injecting the SCM version and branch, as an example
          <groupId>de.m3y.maven</groupId> <!-- (1) Add the plugin to your Maven build -->
          <configuration> <!-- (2) Configure injections -->
                <value>1.7</value> <!-- Inject Maven project version -->
                  <pointCut></pointCut> <!-- ... into accessor -->
                  <pointCut>...</pointCut> <!-- Could do multi injection -->
                <value>${buildNumber}</value> <!-- Provided by buildnumber-maven-plugin -->
                <value>${scmBranch}</value> <!-- Provided by buildnumber-maven-plugin -->
            <execution> <!-- (3) Hook plugin into lifecycle after compilation-->
        <plugin> <!-- (4) Required for SCM properties buildNumber and scmBranch
                          See -->